Kaohsiung Esports, Taiwan Excellence + BONUS Work!

Sometimes, I tend to use Templates! (Sometimes :3)

TEGC 2018 -Promo Video

So, I took a broadcast template and put it into use on the titles in this video. Rest of them, I managed to do it myself with some glitch presets and funky yet simple animations.

Kaohsiung World Championship -Promo Video

And this one, it's just simple editing + funky colour presets from MagicBullet plugin. The light streaks effect though is from Video Copilot's Saber and I use it on almost every project lol.

EaseUS and Data Management -Contest Entry

I remember a day long back some years ago, dropping my friend's hard disk down the floor where it went to the coma stage. Fortunately, I Googled and came up with this helpful software- The Data Recovery Wizard!

Since then, I loved using EaseUS software. And some weeks back when I saw this contest getting hosted, I decided to put my work in it. And there you go :)

One big slash on the contest terms is that the video submission on YouTube should have an interesting number of views and comments to make it to the top, which I would not achieve as am no closer to being a YouTuber. But since I used a template to bring up the designs and just worked more on the editing part I would not blame anything.

At the end, this video has got into the TOP 30 and have won the participation prize!

August 30, 2018




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