Roaring Bikes!

MMSC's Race Events - An After Movie

So, Playtonia signed up for broadcasting a racing event on behalf on MMSC (an organisation who directs these races). The things were completely new to us as everything was entirely different when compared to Esports. It was a 3-day event held at Coimbatore between 8th and 10th of June. However, the stream didn't go as planned though. We had several challenges to go through. Sigh! So much difficulties broadcasting a thing. While it's a hope-down on live broadcast thing, we've been assigned to do a 'After-movie' video for the entire event.

And there came another challenge- Lack of footages! We had some little sets of Candid videos and out of which I had to make sure I use those videos in an organised order to balance the video-flow. And the result... Here it is!

-Poster Thumb-
Software Used: After Effects
June 23, 2018




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