CS:GO Sticker Designs

JeeJee Sticker Capsule

Well, finally I'm happy to submit my designs to the Steam workshop. So, I started designing these stickers, a way long back in last year. For more than a year these things were on my PC sitting idle.

Then, I realised my laziness. Publishing a CS:GO skin, for me, is easier done than publishing stickers. First I started with designing the Silver Squad sticker as I was at the silver ranks back a year. Lol, am still a silver now. It was some 5 months before, I made my mind to publish a set of 10 stickers and make up a capsule, and came up with my final designs.

Then, I surfed online for a tutorial in publishing stickers to the workshop, and ended up with this. Huge shout out thanks to Maxim, who made that video! Without that, it would have been a chaotic process for me in publishing these things.

So, as always, here's the link for you to go and vote up my work--> Rate it on Steam Workshop !


August 13, 2017




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